Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Does stress truly make you lose hair? This is a debatable issue; but scientists are of the view that short-term, daily stress may not affect hair growth. Stress that stays with you for a longer time and changes your appetite and level of hormones, and gives you sleepless nights can cause hair loss, they say. Keranique reviews indicate that the brand is designed especially for women suffering from hair loss.

According to reviews, the brand offers an exclusive hair regrowth therapy. It is said to stop hair loss and help to increase hair density over time.

Know your hair better

The normal scalp has about 120,000 to 150,000 hair strands at a time, reveal studies. Generally, about 90 per cent of hair is in an active or growing phase at a given time. On a healthy scalp they grow around half an inch every month. The growing phase lasts for 2-3 years.

After that, hair goes in a resting phase. This lasts for 3-4 months. Then, hair fall off. They are replaced by new hair. According to trichologists, shedding about 100 strands a day is normal. If you notice locks of hair coming out, you need urgent treatment. Keranique reviews say that the brand’s therapy is meant for moderate to severe hair loss.

Stress and your hair

At times, a stressful situation may alter your body’s normal physiological function. This makes abnormal number of hair strands to enter the resting phase. After a couple of months, these strands shed together. This creates an alarming hair loss.

At this time, the use of the best hair regrowth products like those from Keranique can help you manage hair loss. The products are infused with relevant and powerful compounds, one of them approved by the FDA. They are reported to work amazingly on women’s thinning scalps.

Hair loss is not a catastrophe. Once you understand why it is happening, you can manage the situation without giving yourself more stress.

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